We are finally in our new house. After 7 long months of building and after finishing 7 houses we are moved in and loving it. It is a great feeling to know that we built our first house which we hope to make a great home.
Our new ward welcomed us in great by asking us to talk about the 3rd Sunday of being in the ward and now have given us both callings. I got assigned to the young men’s, and Jessica is a visiting teaching coordinator.
My brother Ben and his wife Krystal with their 6 month old boy Dayton came to town for the holidays. It was wonderful to see them and get to know Dayton. He has grown a lot in his first 6 months and already has a huge personality. We love them and wish they didn't live in Buffalo. That is really far away.
We have been blessed this last year. Our first year together: we got married, I graduated from college, we both got good secure jobs and we built a house together. We can’t wait to see what the new year has to offer us.
This was our first home together.
Yeah for a new post. I love to see how everyone is doing. Congrats on your house! you'll have to post some inside pics too!
Hello! I love that you have a blog... you can view mine!!! just send me your email address and I'll "allow" you to look at our family!!!
oh my email is mari_dixon@hotmail.com
Jess i love that you have blog now!! Your new house is beautiful! Miss ya!
Yeah your blogging! Now lets see you keep it up! love you guys!
I love the red on your home! now Dave and I just need to come over and visit you! We live so stinkin close! Im new at this blogging thing but here is our blog site jesndave.blogpot.com
Royce and Jessica your home is so beautiful. We are so jealous that you built your own home, that is so cool. I can't wait to see the completed inside. Royce, I'm missing our days up at Sundance! Hopefully we will see you guys soon.
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